The tutors on this page are exemplary. They have worked as independent tutors for many years and have a wonderful variety of backgrounds and experience.

I have passed their details to my own students or to other tutors who need to find completely reliable professionals for their own students. I know them all personally as well as professionally and I have no hesitation in recommending them in complete confidence.

Please be aware that, like myself, these tutors are in high demand and in many cases may have waiting lists rather than immediate availability. If you think you would like to work with a tutor and are willing to wait for their expertise, please get in touch with them sooner rather than later.

Sam Jordan - physics


Sam is a well-qualified online physics tutor, examiner with major UK exam board, and author of physics textbooks.

Sam has worked for 20 years as a teacher in top UK maintained and independent sector schools. As a teacher and tutor, Sam has extensive experience in all UK exam boards for Secondary age students in KS3, GCSE, IGCSE, A level and International A level. He routinely supports students across the 11-19 age range to achieve several grade improvement. To date, he has over 50 five-star reviews on Google and Facebook. 

Sam's website.

Sam's Facebook page.